According to some, "quotations should be enclosed in quotation marks" (Last name, p. #), though others disagree.
According to Last Name, "quotations should be block indented" (p. #).
When quoting 1-3 lines of poetry or song lyrics, use a forward slash between each line
"Line 1 / Line 2 / Line 3" (Last name, line #-#).
Quoting is such a hard thing to do. It has been said,
Quoting is a hard skill to master. In general, formatting of quotations depends on the length of the quotation. When you are quoting four lines or more, you would use a block indentation, or block quote without quotation marks. When you are quoting three lines or less, you would enclose the quote in quotation marks. In both cases, you would end with an in-text citation. However, this can vary by the style guide you are following, and/or your instructor's specific directions. (Last Name, p. #)
When quoting more than 3 lines, use a block indent, placing each line on its own line.
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4. (Last name, line #-#)
Include in the text the first item that appears in the Works Cited entry that corresponds to the citation (generally the first author's or creator's last name, or a shortened version of the title), and, if a location is known such as a page number for a book or article, or a location such as the paragraph of a website or webpage. NOTE: If you provide the author's last name or shortened title of the work in the sentence, do not use it in the parenthetical citation, only include in the parentheses the page number or paragraph number if available.
If you cite more than one work by an author, include a shortened title for the work from which you are quoting, putting the titles of larger works such as books and plays in italics, and smaller items such as articles, essays, or poems in quotation marks.
A short quotation is up to 4 lines of text.
A long quotation is over 4 lines of text.
One Author
Last Name, First Name.
For example:
Jones, Walter.
Two Authors
Last Name, First Name and First Name Last Name.
For example:
Washington, Louis and Paul Lincoln.
Three or More Authors
Last Name, First Name et al.
For example:
Adams, John et al.
No Author
Begin with the title of the resource.
Author(s). Title of Book: Subtitle of Book. City of Publication, Publisher, Publication Date, DOI or permalink or URL. Accessed Date of Access.
For example:
Jones, Jack Peter. All About Books: An Intensive Study. Macmillan, 2011.
Book (Other than First Edition)
Author(s). Title of Work: Subtitle of Work. # ed.. Publisher, Publication Date, DOI or permalink or URL. Accessed Date of Access.
For example:
Smith, Juan Ezra.. Multiple Editions of Editions: Numbers Beyond Belief. 8th ed., Macmillan, 2012.
Edited Book (With Author)
Author(s). Title of Book: Subtitle of Book, edited by Editor(s). Publisher, Publication Date. DOI or permalink or URL. Accessed Date of Access.
For example:
Thompson, Ursula. An Adventure in Editing: Editing an Author's Work, edited by Mary Miller. Palgrave, 2001.
Edited Book (No Author)
Editor(s) formatted same as Author(s), editor(s). Title of Work: Subtitle of Work. Publisher, Date of Publication. DOI or permalink or URL. Accessed Date of Access.
For example:
Greenberg, Oscar Bob, editor. An Edited Book of Chapters: Thirty-five Amazing Pieces. Petersons Publishing, 2022.
Article or Chapter in an Edited Book
Author(s)."Title of Chapter: Subtitle of Chapter." Title of Work: Subtitle of Work, edited by Editor(s), Publisher, Publication Date, pp. #-#. DOI or permalink or URL. Accessed Date of Access.
For example:
Johnstone, Zena. "A Chapter of Chapters: Chapters Galore." Chapters, Chapters and More Chapters, edited by Charles Charleston. Heinemann, 2000, pp. 3-45.
Journal Article
Author(s). "Article Title: Article Subtitle." Publication Title, vol. #, no. #, Publication Date, pp. #-#. URL or DOI. Accessed Date of Access.
For example:
Smith, Anna Mae and John Jackson. "Articles on Articles: An Analysis." Journal of Article Analysis, vol. 87, no. 2, 2022, pp. 9-13.
News Article
Author(s). "Article Title: Article Subtitle." Publication Title, Day Month Year, p. #. URL or DOI. Date of Access.
For example:
Chack, Frank Oscar. "Articles of News: Newsworthy Articles." News of the Article World, 3 January 2022, p. A32. Accessed 4 June 2023.
Author(s). "Title of Webpage." Title of Website: Subtitle of Website. Name of Institution or Organization Affiliated with the Site, Date of resource creation, URL or DOI or permalink. Date of access.
For example:
Pope, Alex Marvin. "Reflections on Reflecting." Reflections on Websites: Websites on Websites. Website Reflections, 7 May 2015. Accessed 9 April 2021.
Unpublished (Personal) Interviews
Interviewee. Personal interview. Day Month Year.
For example:
Abrams, Adam. Personal interview. 31 October 1993.
Published Interview
If there is no title, put Interview by Interviewer without quotation marks instead of the title.
Interviewee. "Title of Interview." Citation of larger container (book, journal, etc.).
For example:
Abrams, Adam. Interview by Bob Branson. Citation of larger creation.
Abrams, Adam. "An Interview with Adam Abrams." Citation of larger creation.
Recorded Television Series
"Episode Name." Series Name, written by Writer and Writer, directed by Director, created by Name and Name, performance by Name and Name, seas #, episode #, Publisher or Distributor, Day Month Year of Distribution. Streaming Service and/or URL.
For example:
"The First Episode." Series of Episodes, written by Fred Rogers and Fanny Mae, directed by Bert Alberts, created by Michael Mills and Frank Fortworth, seas. 1, episode 1, Series Productions, 2002. Streaming Service, URL.
Broadcast Television Series
"Episode Name." Series Name, written by Writer and Writer, directed by Director, created by Name and Name, performance by Name and Name, season #, episode #, Distributor, Network Name, Call Letters of the Station, City, Day Month Year Broadcast. Streaming Service, URL.
For example:
"The First Episode." Series of Episodes, written by Fred Rogers and Fanny Mae, directed by Bert Alberts, created by Michael Mills and Frank Fortworth, seas. 1, episode 1, Series Productions, PBT, Anytown, MA, 3 October 2002. Streaming Service, URL.
Published Conference Presentations / Lecture Notes / Presentation Slides
Cite these like a book if there is a book equivalent. If the date and location of the conference are not part of the published title, add this information.
Speaker's Name(s). "Title of Speech." Conference Title that Includes Conference Date and Location, edited by Conference Editor(s). Publisher, Date of Publication. URL.
For example:
Hughes, Elsie. "Dressing the Ladies." Housekeepers Hints Annual, 22 March 1922, York, England, edited by William Gold. Housekeepers United, 1923.
Unpublished Conference Presentations / Lecture Notes / Presentation Slides
Speaker's Name(s). "Title of Speech." Conference or Meeting, Day Month Year. Venue or School or Course, City, State. Type of Presentation (Address, Lecture, Reading, Keynote Speech, Guest Lecture, Conference Presentation, etc.). URL.
For example:
Carson, Charlie. "The Setting of a Table." Annual Butlers Symposium, 11 February 1921. The Abbey, York, England. (Keynote Speech).
Online Forum / Discussion / Social Media Post
Treat web postings as a standard web entry, the only difference being Screen Name [Real Name if Available] as the author.
Twitter / Tweet
User's Twitter handle. [Real Name if Available]. "Full text of tweet as capitalized in the tweet." Twitter, Day Month Year, Your Time Zone, URL.
YouTube / Streaming Media
Treat television shows and movies as film or television series.
Creator(s). "Title of Video." YouTube, uploaded by Name (if different from creator), Day Month Year, URL.
For example:
Smith, Sally. "Sally's Silly Slime." YouTube, uploaded by Jack Johnson, 4 June 2024,
"Title of Episode." Podcast Series Title from Publisher / Distributor, Day Month Year, URL.
For example:
"Podcasting for Peers." Podcasting for Populations from Podcast Is for All. 3 March 2023,
Podcast Series Title from Publisher / Distributor, Day Month Year, URL.
For example:
Podcasting for Populations from Podcast Is for All, 3 January 2021 - 5 March 2023,
Secondary Sources
Provide the secondary source in the references list; in the text, name the original work and give a citation to the secondary source.
Original Author(s) noted .... (as cited in Author of Item in Hand, Year of item in hand).
For web-only artwork, treat the item as a website, using the username of the author if available.
Artist. Title of Artwork. Day Month Year Created. Institution or Other Source Where Located, City of Physical Location. Website or Institution Name, URL. Accessed Day Month Year.
For example:
Mills, Mary. My Lambs. 3 August 1843. Mother Goose Museum, Fairyland, Germany. Mother Goose Museum Online, Accessed 22 July 2023.
"prompt" prompt. AI Tool, version, Company that Made the Tool, Date generated, URL for the tool.
For example:
"ultra-orthodox judaism transgender "conflict resolution"” prompt. ChatGPT 4.0 mini (version), OpenAI, 27 Nov. 2024,
Remember to format the Date as Day Month Year (7 July 2022)