Welcome to the Begley Buzz, Begley Library's monthly newsletter. Read on to learn what's happening in the library this month.
Here is a selection of books recently added to the library's collection. These are all available for check-out. If you need help finding them, ask a librarian.
Come check out the library's graphic novels collection, now on display near the elevator.
March was Women's history month, and you voted on your favorite quotes by women. This quote by Julia Child was received the most votes.
Caroline Buff
Research & Instruction Librarian
BLC 221G
email: buffca@sunysccc.edu
In addition to editing the Begley Buzz, I oversee the library's research and instruction services, including Ask Us 24/7 online research help. I help students do research and use the library; and I work with faculty to integrate library content into in-person and online courses.