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Supply Chain Management: 2. Assignments

Supply Chain Management Resources

The following is a selection of Supply Chain Management Resources that I've put together to demonstrate both our resources and some ideas for a research guide. 

Assignment 1

Assignment 1: Read chapters 1 & 2 in this book.

Assignment 2

Assignment 2: Find a current events article in The NY Times.

Assignment 3

Assignment 3: Read one of the following journal articles

Assignment 4

Assignment 4: Watch this film.

The Long Reach of Logistics  

Episode 19 of Critical Business Skills for Success

The Great Courses

Assignment 5

Assignment 6: Write about this chart.

Transport Topics. (November 8, 2021). Leading freight transportation companies worldwide in 2020, based on freight revenue (in million U.S. dollars) [Graph]. In Statista. Retrieved March 11, 2022, from


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