Check out
to borrow something from the library; to take something home with you from the library. You will need to show a student ID card to check out.
Circulation desk
the desk in the library where you can check out books and other items.
an online, searchable collection of magazines, newspapers, books, journals, films, or other information.
Due date
the date by which you should return items you have borrowed to the library. If you keep a book past its due date, you will receive an email telling you that the book is late (or overdue) and asking you to return it.
a faculty member who works in the library. Librarian specialize in helping students find information; in teaching students research skills; and in acquiring and arranging information in a manner that is easy to find.
place where you can borrow books, and get help finding information for your classes. Students sometimes confuse library with book store. A book store is a place where you can buy books.
Loan period
the length of time fore which you can borrow something form the library. At the end of the loan period, you muyst return the item to the library.
a publication (usually a collection of articles) that is issued at regular intervals. Magazines, journals, and newspapers are all periodicals.
something you should ask a lot of when you are in the library. We are happy to help you!
Reference books
books such as encyclopedias and dictionaries that may only be used in the library.