Use the OED to discover the meaning, history, and pronunciation of English words - - past and present - - from across the English-speaking world. The OED is widely regarded as the accepted authority on the English language.
Use Credo to find background information on your topic, and identify key words to use as you continue your research. Credo is an authoritative alternative to Wikipedia.
Once you have your keywords, this is a good place to look for literary criticism and biographical information. Use advanced search to find articles about a specific author or a specific work. LRC also contains reviews, work overviews, and primary sources.
Use this database to find peer-reviewed articles in all fields of the humanities. It also includes reviews of drama, poetry, ballets, dance, motion pictures, musicals, operas, radio, and television programs.
Use this database for scholarly articles in literature, history, and the humanities. JSTOR contains many of the most important journals in these areas, generally from the first volume published through three years ago. You typically won't find anything published in the past 3 years in JSTOR.
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