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Intro to Hospitality - TAT 121: FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions


I can't find my career on O*Net or Occupational Outlook. What should I do?

If you can't find your exact career, find information for one that is closely related. For example, if there is no entry for wedding planners, it's okay to use information for meeting, convention, and event planners.


How do I know if it's a Trade Publication?

If you’re using print in the library, only three hospitality titles are trade publications: Dessert Professional, Food Arts, and Modern Baking.

If you’re using library’s online databases, click on the title or source of the publication. If it’s a trade publication, it will say Audience: Trade.

If you still have questions, ask a librarian. You can chat online with us, or visit us in the library.


Where can I practice my presentation?

Use Begley Library's presentation practice studio. It is room #103 in the library. Sign up for a time on the sheet posted, and practice by yourself, or bring friends and classmates to be your audience.


I still need help. What should I do?

Consult with a librarian online or in-person, whichever works best for you. Librarians are research specialists; we can help you find the information you need.
  • Use Ask Us 24/7 for online help from a college librarian 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
  • Ask at the front desk for in-person help from a librarian whenever the library is open

How do I access databases off-campus?

Enter your SCCC login and password when prompted. It is the same login and password that you use for Brightspace/D2L, mySCCC, and your SCCC email.


What is my login and password?

Use the Records & Registration page on the college website to find your login and password.


My login and password is not working.

Call the SCCC IT Help Desk at: (518) 381-1487 or email:


Does the library have textbooks?

We have some, but not all textbooks. Search the library catalog by author or title to see if we have the one you’re looking for.

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